Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Clurichaun- The Leprechaun's Cousin of the Night

The Clurichaun is a cousin to our beloved Leprechaun, and although very similar in appearance (but for the red cap upon their heads), has been noted to be quite opposite in disposition. Where leprechauns are known for their surly retorts and fondness of grumbling, Clurichauns are reported to be cheerful, jovial and jolly. Clurichauns are most often spotted in the evening near bottles of spirits and in wine cellars. They are usually pleasantly inebriated and may be seen riding on the backs of sheep or the family dog, as they careen away from their latests drinking spot. The best course of action to take if you come upon a Clurichaun in your cellar is to offer it a bottle or cask of a delectable vintage and invite it to make itself at home. Clurichauns make excellent guardians and protectors when they are made welcome in a home. However it would behoove you to avoid insulting or angering your Clurichaun or demonstrating drunken behavior as they can make a powerfully bothersome nuisance, tormenting you relentlessly. Also if you are searching for a Clurichaun of your own then remember that though they are quite the carousers at night you will never find one in the day as they are hard workers, only turning to drink after finishing a day's work.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This formidable beast has an unique way of coming into being. It is hatched from an egg laid by a cock that has been exposed to some unusual nurturing at the hands of a frog until it hatches. This rare set of circumstance required to create a cockatrice may be the only thing that prevented wide spread devastation at the hands of the cockatrice and resulted in the creature's eventual near extinction. The cockatrice's abilities are varied and each one terrifying. They can eliminate an enemy by petrifying them, either with a glance or a brush of a feather or the less common tactic of breathing on them. Once the person as been turned to stone there is no saving them. The cockatrice can fly, and of course they have lethal claws and beak. There have been other powers rumored to be held by the cockatrice, such as ability to break stone and burn greenery with a trail of poison, but none of these have been consistently attributed to them and are generally the result of the witness' confusion of a cockatrice with it's opposite the basilisk or king of snakes. They share some common characteristics such as the ability to petrify but their differences are great as well, none more so than their origins which are precisely reversed. The basilisk is born of a snake egg hatched by a cock. Also in appearance, the basilisk being purely snake-like in form, the cockatrice having a most definite chicken-like form with hints of the reptilian. By far the most stunning commonality between these two creatures is their shared enemy. Both are vulnerable to weasels, the only animal immune to petrification. The cockatrice however has an additional bane, the crowing of a rooster, that which reminds it of its true parentage is instant death to a cockatrice. Historically some have also managed to escape petrification by the cockatrice by use of a mirror to reflect the cockatrice's deadly glance back upon itself, thereby petrifying the cockatrice. I would imagine though that should you encounter a cockatrice this method may or may not prove plausible in ensuring your survival, so please proceed with caution and bring a weasel.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


The Luduan has not left much of a trace as far as a cohesive description of its disposition or general character. Possibly because its purpose was so pure. They are simply truth revealers, shedders of light. They dismantle human lies and deceptions and show the truth behind the words. They were simplistic but valuable creatures. They seem to have shared the look of a lion but with a distinct regal bearing and a golden radiant sheen. They often accompanied those in power in China, their native land, assisting in the interrogation of citizens and keeping subordinates honest. Today all that remains of this cryptid are statues and carvings in the likeness of the Luduan, there to remind us all to be more forthright.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The peryton is definitely one of the neatest cryptids I have come across. It is said they are the spirits of travelers who died while far away from home. They are winged gazelles or deer, quite beautiful and colored in shades of light blue and deep forest green. Originally hailing from Atlantis, they are unique in a couple ways. One, they cast the shadow of a man rather than their own shadow. And two, although when in flocks they have been known to attack, and they are completely impervious to all weapons, they can only kill one person each. After that they are as tame and safe as can be. They are most often sighted flying over the striaght of Gibraltar.


The manticore, a potentially scary and yet pitiable beast. About the size of a pony , it has the face of a human on a lion's body with the tail of a scorpion and three rows of gumless teeth. Manticores are sometimes winged but always flightless. Sometimes walking upright like a human other times walking on all fours like a lion. This cryptid has a particular taste for humans, these creatures are always on the hunt as they are ever hungry. The Manticore can speak like a human though with a strange accent that has often been likened to the sound of a trumpet or the baleful calls of cattle. They are described as wild, foolish, emotional and gluttonous, not a very safe combination. Although we, as humans, do have the advantage of superior intellect which is our only saving grace. Trickery is your best defence should you encounter one. The manticore has been around for ages and appears in several regions throughout the middle east and Europe. Accordingly it has sparked the imagination of many. My personal favorite depiction of a manticore is in Madeline L'Engel's "Many Waters". She gives such a clear picture of the beast and shows it to be terrifying and formidable but at the same time she pulls on your heart a little for the poor foolish beast who only wants a meal. Don't feel too bad though as the manticore wasn't starving, like I said they are terribly gluttonous. Happy Travels!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Arkan Sonney

An Arkan Sonney (literally lucky urchin or plentiful pig), is the Manx word for hedgehog. In Manx folklore, is a type of fairy creature which looks like a pig with long prickly hairs. They are said to bring good luck to one who catches them. For this reason, they're also called "lucky piggies". They flee from humans, and are very quick, making them difficult to catch. If however you do manage to catch an Arkan Sonney it is said that you will find a silver piece in your pocket.


This heraldic creature is very rarely seen or heard about, and therefore not much is known about them. We do however know that they are quite similar to a griffin in personality and appearance. A few notable difference though is that the Alphyn's front legs are sometime those of a lion, sometimes those of an eagle, and sometimes those of a goat. Furthermore they have goat's horns and patches of goat like fur covering their bodies. The last bit of interesting information about the Alphyn is that they tie their tails into complicated Celtic knots, the reason for this remains unexplained, though I certainly think it makes for great fuel for o
ur imaginations. Perhaps someone will adopt this little known creature and breathe some life into it with a story.